ReBCO High Temperature Superconducting Tape

ReBCO (Rare-earth barium copper oxide) high temperature superconducting tape conducts electricity with zero electrical resistance and can be manufactured in flexible, long lengths.  These properties allow it to be formed into magnetic coils for the purpose of generating very large magnetic fields more efficiently and in a smaller size than other superconducting materials or traditional copper windings. These advanced magnets are potentially transformative for the development of advanced tokamaks and other fusion confinement schemes. REBCO's history derives directly from the discovery of superconducting properties of semiconductor oxides by Georg Bednorz and Karl Müller in 1986 which won the 1987 Nobel Prize. Because this material in bulk is  brittle, it took until the 2010s for manufacturing technology to advance to the point where it could be manufactured in long tapes.

ReBCO High Temperature Superconducting Tape
Coming soon.